Fantasy Come True!

parkerParker Brando has finished shooting on the CW’s comedy-drama / fantasy series No Tomorrow – episode 107.

Evie Callahan appreciates order, but with her relationship running on empty and her career stalled, she is starting to think that an overly managed life has its downsides. This existential crisis leaves the perfect opening for the charming and free-spirited Xavier to waltz in and bring a refreshing wave of romance into her life. Just one thing… he believes the human race has only a little more than eight months left before an asteroid blasts it out of existence. Evie enlists the help of her friends Hank and Kareema to decide whether Xavier is crazy, and — maybe more importantly — if that even matters.
First episode aired October 4, 2016.


unnamed-49Creators: Corinne Brinkerhoff, Scott McCabe, Tory Stanton
Stars: Joshua Sasse, Tori Anderson, Jonathan Langdon


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