Chance Hurstfield is busy taping for the title role in the new animated prelay series for DHX Media – Dorg Van Dango.
Life is full of “changes” when you turn thirteen. Voices start to wobble, the odd pimple might appear, or – if you’re Dorg Van Dongo – four magical beings crash-land in your backyard, become your best buds, and transform your life forever!
Dorg Van Dango is 13-years-old, on the cusp of adolescence, so he’s independent, strong-willed, and occasionally has enough cash to buy his own milkshake, but he hasn’t become a jaded teen yet, and still has an irrepressible sense of adventure. He’s curious, earnest, exuberant, and is the sort of kid who always says ‘Yes’ – even when he should probably say ‘Nope’ or ‘Maybe’ or ‘I’m pretty sure that’s illegal’. He’s an eternal optimist who takes life by the horns with no saddle.